Sunday, August 12, 2012

check this out!!!

this Gotye's "somebody that i used to know" song is kind of brilliant!
seriously, can't never get enough of this song!
from my own opinion, the music is so artistically unique
umm, a little bit like Mika type, but in a softer version
i can't hold my addiction to this song that i downloaded almost every cover of the song
but, this one is my favorite!

covered by Walk off the earth, this is just awesome!
go check this one out!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

hey, i'm alive!

holy shit!
this feels like thousands years since the last time i posted something here!
life is just getting harder outside
umm, some 'things' happened to me
let me tell the full version of what exactly happened later,
now, i'm just gonna let you know that i'm okay!
i'm still alive, obviously.

so, wait me here while i'm doing some adventure! :D

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

balada mahasiswi

jiyaaah... udah ngampus lebih dari sebulan baru dibahas sekarang
emang agak telat sih, sibuk gitu *sibak rambut

yak! so here i am
udah lepas dari baju putih abu-abu dan sayangnya gak dapet almamater kuning gitu setelahnya :(
setelah snmptn dua kali nolak gw mentah-mentah, baik lewat undangan maupun tertulis,
dan rencana kuliah ke luar yang akhirnya gagal total,
akhirnya dengan berat hati gw terpaksa memilih pilihan terakhir,yaitu:


ini juga kalo bukan karena beasiswa, mungkin gw udah terdaftar di salah satu univ. swasta lainnya
jadi bisa dikatakan masuk sini benar2 pilihan paling ujung alias mentok!

tapi yasudahlah,
ini kampus keren juga kok (sekarang aja ngomong gini,haha)
tapi beneran, gw mulai suka sama kampus baru ini
pelan-pelan dijalanin, gw jadi terbiasa dan mulai menerima takdir gw untuk masuk sini
ternyata banyak hal bagus juga kok didalemnya

dari ospek yang ngebeteinnya abis-abisan karena senior2 yang (sok) galak,
proses adaptasi sama lingkungan belajar yang beda banget sama jaman sma,
sibuknya hari2 pertama kuliah,
sampe ketemu banyak karakter2 baru disini, adalah hal2 yang harus gw hadepin!
dan untungnyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
hal paling sensitif buat gw yaitu mencari teman yang 'klop', sama sekali bukan masalah yang perlu dikhawatirkan!
gw sangat bersyukur, gak kayak biasanya, kali ini di lingkungan baru gw bisa ketemu temen yang "yes! you complete me!" bgt!

jadi pas pertama ketemu di acara yang kita bikin sendiri sebelum masuk kuliah,
gatau kenapa pas ngobrol langsung nyambung aja, gaada tengsin,janggal,kaku segala macem
sampe sekarang jadi temen maen yang selalu gw cari kapanpun,
makan bareng, ngerjain tugas bareng, nyari bahan tugas bareng,
pulang juga pasti bareng karena rumah kita searah!
sumpah,ini langka banget !!

berhubung jurusan gw komunikasi, sekarang gw bisa ngerasain bahagianya ga belajar MATEMATIKA lagi!
hurraaaaaayyyy !!
tapi bakalan tetep ada matkul statistik sih nanti (-_-")

soal kelas, bisa dibilang gw tuh beruntung karena kelas gw dapet dosen yang enak2 smua
(apa karena blum dpt masalah aja kali ya? :P)

dari dosen pengantar ILKOM,
ketemu pas pertama bgt masuk kuliah pas jam pertama juga
jadi dia dosen pertama yang ngajar gw
dan kesan pertama gw ngeliat dia :


sumpah ini dosen cantik banget!!
dan masih sangat muda untuk usia dosen, paling baru awal 30 an gitu
klo cara ngajar, ya standar lah, cukup dimengerti dan berhubung masih muda, kerasa gitu deh gaul2nya
jadi udah cantik, pinter, dosen muda lagi!
cool !

ada lagi dosen ilmu ekonomi
duh, bapak ini dosen paporit dah!
3 TAUN gw belajar ekonomi di sma dengan 3 guru berbeda gaada yang bisa bikin gw mikir "okay! ekonomi asik ya, i wanna learn more !!"
cuma si bapak yang punya kharisma tersendiri ini yg bisa begitu
biarpun tiap dateng selalu telat ampe hampir sejam, tapi di sisa waktu itu inti pelajaran tetep nyampe!
padahal pas jelasin dia banyak ceritanya, tapi tetep aja nyambung
so far he's my favorite !

trus dosen bahasa inggris juga oke nih!
yaiyalah, BULE !!
udah pasti bagus dong?
lumayan buat ngelatih conversation
dan orangnya baik bgt, lucu juga kadang2
cuma kelas gw yang diajar sama bule lho! ahiiiiiyy !! so lucky !

dosen2 lainnya ya standar lah
ga ada yg gimana2 bgt
sebatas 'cukup dimengerti' ngajarnya

oh! dosen agama juga bagus deng!
keliatan ilmu-nya
ga kayak pas sma gitu *uhuk* #kode

jadi begitulah kurang lebihnya dunia belajar saya sekarang
semoga tetap lancar sampe 4 tahun ke depan
dan bisa lanjut lagi studinya sesuai harapan dan mimpi saya yang tertunda itu
doakan aku ya ! :D

Friday, October 7, 2011

it might be you

I've been passing time watching trains go by
All of my life...
Lying on the sand, watching seabirds fly
Wishing there would be
Someone waiting home for me...
Something's telling me it might be you
Yes it's telling me it might be you...

All of my life...

Looking back as lovers go walking past...
All of my life...
Wondering how they met and what makes it last
If I found the place
Would I recognize the face?
Something's telling me it might be you
Yeah it's telling me it might be you...

So many quiet walks to take
So many dreams to wake
And we've so much love to make
I think we're gonna need some time
maybe all we need is time...
And it's telling me it might be you

All of my life...

I've been saving love songs and lullabies
And there’s so much more
No one's ever heard before...
Something's telling me it might be you
Yeah it's telling me it must be you...
And I’m feeling it’ll just be you...

All of my life…

Maybe it's you...
Maybe it's you...
Ive been waiting for all of my life

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

a special page for you... (part 2)

seriously Ade?! PART 2??!
are you gonna make a sequel or something??


i told you! he's just so addictive!
this is beyond my control!
from now on, there will be so many posts about him
so bear with it!! :P

okay guys, i need to relax!
(i wish he knew that my heart skips a beat everytime i hear his name)

but today's story isn't really my favorite :(
this could be categorized as 'the bad effect' of stalking (yeah, i'm a proud stalker now XD)
ugh, i know this is such a big shame
but a few days ago i read one mention from an unknown person to him which was asking whether he's dating xxx (who's an anchor too) or not?
well, he didn't answer the question, but still................................
it makes me even crazier!
it means that it's still a mystery ! (whether it's true or not)

then my stalking instinct got bigger!

i don't know how, but it's like i'm given 'the way' to stalk him, ACCIDENTALLY !
there are so many clues which lead me to him

and from what i gathered, there comes my conclusion that
YES, HE IS DATING THAT WOMAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this is so damn upsetting
but hey, what can i say??!
i know this is kinda heartbreaking, but there's nothing i can do
as a good admirer, i will support whatever he does,
including his lovelife

at the end, i just wanna say :

hey Mr. Srikaya Toast, whether it's true or not,
i wish you a very very happy life
i believe you'll make a good choice
and know what's best for you
so, go get her! :')

Friday, September 30, 2011

a special page for you....

if you think that i'm gonna write about monkey, YOU'RE WRONG !
i know that i've always been talking 'bout him lately (and for a good reason)
but it's not about him this time
let we just keep him 'away' for a moment :p

do you ever feel like you like someone you've never met but see him often on tv??
oh well, i do!
you might think that "oh, so you're a fan"
umm... i wouldn't say no but,in my case i just feel a lil' bit different
there's more than just "a fan"
then what could it be?
oh,whatever! who cares?
the point is I LIKE THIS -i've never met but see him often on tv- GUY !!

it all started with the idea of me, wanting to be a news anchor
aah..don't you like it seeing some good-looking people presenting news?
and they all look SMART!!
i mean, it's not about the appearance, but they are smart!
so i started to watch news often, all kind of news
from sports, political issues, criminal, everything!
even talkshows! (this doesn't count as news though)
then i have some favorite anchors

here comes the story
i had that one anchor i like the most
a good-looking guy who's good enough to present news and is absolutely smart!
officially becoming his fan, then i follow him on twitter (and some other anchors)
wait a minute,
do you think he's 'that guy'??
so just read a bit more to the end of the story

reading all his tweets everyday makes me like him even more
the tweets, you know, they're like presenting who he is
he doesn't tweet unnecessary tweets like most people do (don't worry, i'm one of those people too :p)
so following him on twitter was a good idea

then there was a time when i read a mention from him to one of his friend, who is an anchor too
umm.. this anchor friend of him is one of those anchors i saw often, but didn't really pay attention to
but i don't know why i was so curious about what they were talking that time
so i keep reading all the mentions until i realized that this anchor i wasn't paying attention to is way MORE INTERESTING than the one i liked before !!
you know, he's just different
i thought that the one i liked before got it all,
but this guy proved me wrong
he's way better!
he has even more!!
the way he tweets by telling jokes is surprisingly great yet funny
it's like he knows the art of telling serious things in funny ways
he's freakin smart yet hilarious!

so that's how i "found" this guy
from someone i ignored to someone i adore !
he may not be handsome, but he's got what it takes to impress me!
now i'm more interested in him than the one i liked before
i watch all the show/news he's hosted,googling all about him,adding him to my inner circle (since his tweets are so addictive)
and there are still some stupid things i did because of my huge curiosity about him

now i'm waiting for the moment where i could meet him personally,accidentally, or whatever God's ways to make it happen
just to thank him for making me who i am now
and we all know that it'll happen,right?

Monday, August 1, 2011

1st anniversary

.....For you, there’ll be no more crying,
For you, the sun will be shining,
And I feel that when I’m with you,
It’s alright, I know it’s right

To you, I’ll give the world
to you, I’ll never be cold
‘Cause I feel that when I’m with you,
It’s alright, I know it’s right......

a year has passed...
still don't believe that it's been a year since it was too wonderful
it still feels like yesterday actually

lookin at you now, reminding me the first time i saw you
the moment i didn't realize (yet) that i was lookin at the face i can't forget
when letting go of your hand wasn't the hardest thing to do,
when not resting in your arm wasn't my biggest worry,
when not bein with you wasn't a pain....

but then magically you changed everything
like erasing my pain is not a big deal for you,
when bearing my anger is a piece of cake,
and proving everything you promised with actions, not only words

you have wonderful eyes not because they're blue, green, or gray
they're wonderful because through them, you see people differently
like the way you see me,
so deep and mysteriously hypnotizing

can you believe that we're here now,Rei?
on our first anniversary??
we did it!
and it's all thanks to you
thanks for convincing me that it'll work out,
that everything's gonna be okay,
that distance, won't give any difference to our relationship,
thanks for always being there whenever i need you,
for all the new perspectives of life,
and for teaching me the meaning of true love....

i don't know what great thing i did to deserve you in my life
to feel all the love you're giving
and i still never get enough of it,
cause you're so addictive !

there are 3 words, i've been dying to say to you
cause finally you make me turn my ego to eagerness

i love you, Rei....
that's all

all the time we've been through
together we made it unforgettable
and will always be kept as sweetest memories
so let's make it to another happy anniversary